Links, Sources and whatever else might be interesting

Wikipedia Article (whose sources were very helpful to my research!)



YouTube topic channel

Internet Archive Captures

The Silents website (July 18th, 2008 capture)

The Silents MySpace (June 8th, 2009 capture) (I do recommend looking through it as there are a few interesting bits in there)

The Silents on JPlay (October 12th, 2008 capture)


Triple J Next Crop Artist interview with Lloyd Stowe (2007 / March 3rd, 2016 capture)

The Push Enizine interview with Lloyd Stowe (August 2007)

AMO Interview with Jamie Terry on the WAMis (February 20th, 2006 / May 23rd, 2006 capture)

Jamie Terry on The Silents' new direction in music (June 16th, 2010)

The Silents on music services


Apple Music


LastFM (fun fact, Mike Jelinek himself last edited the wiki! I think that's funny)

The Silents nowadays

Article about GUM's album Delorean Highway, which Lloyd Stowe was involved in (June 5th, 2014)

Michael Jelinek Music Tuition website

Sam Ford launching Tone City records announcement (January 19, 2022)


(defunct) Performance at the Enmore Theatre (September 27th, 2008 / August 1st, 2010 capture)

Little Girl Lost Live at the Enmore Theatre (September 27th, 2008)

Mike Jelineks Youtube channel

Chicago Silents Links

Chicago Silents website (June 15th, 2006 capture)

Chicago Silents MySpace (November 6th, 2008 capture)

Chicago Silents on Spotify

Jacob Fishs YouTube channel

Interview with Paul Velten (September 5th, 2008)

Article about Sleepwalker (April 7th, 2008)

Go up!